4/4(金)14:00〜15:00 オンラインアクティビティ『回想ラヂオ』小学校の思い出


9月18日(土)13時から1時間、クリスティーン&ポール・ブライデンさんをお迎えして、「第13回 ジオ・ボイス一周年記念特別企画「クリスティーン・ブライデンさん,ポール・ブライデンさんをかこんで」をおこないます。






Hi Junko

Great to se you.  For information, here are some thoughts on ‘hope’ which I have offered to one or two people recently. 

Christine also wants to raise ‘Moments of wellbeing’ during the online meeting.  We were very impressed during a visit to a Nursing Home in Canberra with Yuji in 2004 with the way Staff always said ‘Hello’ to a Gentleman sitting in the corridor, even they might have talked with him / acknowledged him man, many times!  At the end of the day, he had many ‘moments of wellbeing’, acknowledging him as a person.  Happy day!



My thoughts on hope:

Hope is not something usually associated with an incurable disease, where only symptomatic relief is available from the medical profession until (however unlikely!) a cure for one or other of the 120 or so brain diseases that come under the umbrella term dementia.


Yet hope is something which permeates most if not all of Christine’s books and published writings, and presentations to Conferences and groups since 1997.


The hope is that of helping others, watching her grandchildren grow up, maintaining loving relationships with family and friends, growing closer to the Divine on our shared journey, living each day as best as she (we) can, making each day our best day – it might be our last day!


Hope might be looking forward and applauding what we can do, rather than looking backwards fretting over what we can’t do.  That particularly relates to family members!  How often do you hear ‘we’re losing her…’  She’s not lost, she’s still there, just finding difficulty with the environment, speech or whatever. She is not deaf!  He will be aware of family, friends and warm presence.  Christine’s most recent book, Will I still be me? focuses on the continuing sense of self in people with dementia, even in the later stages.

希望とは、できることを楽しみにし、たたえること。できないことを振り返ることではない。特に家族にはこれが大事。よく「もう以前の人ではない」という言葉を聞きますが、そんなことはない。環境にうまく慣れない、言葉がうまく出てこない。そんな状況にあるだけ。決して、耳が聞こえないわけではないのです。家族や友人の温かい存在はちゃんと意識できているはず。最新のクリスティーンの本「Wil I still be me?」では、認知症が進行した人であっても、「その人らしさ」が続くということを訴えている。

Hope might be putting aside the medical prognosis and asserting our individuality.  All dementias are different and highly personal.  There is good evidence that the brain can rewire itself to cover for losses in one part, given support and encouragement.  In the early years, after diagnosis, get retested annually.  The downhill slope might be quite gentle…


Hope might be noting that of the 12 people with dementia (from Canada, Australia, Hawaii, USA) who met in 2001 in Montana to establish the internet support group Dementia Advocacy Support International (DASNI), 11 remain alive and active, declining slowly (old age is catching up!).

希望とは、2001年にモンタナで出会い、Dementia Advocacy Support Internationalを結成した12人のうち、11人は生き生きとして活動していて、機能低下はゆっくりであること(高齢化はつきもの!)。

Hope (for Christine) might be noting that her first prognosis was to get her affairs in order (age 46), five years to a Nursing home then three years to death.  That was 26 years ago.  Hope turned out to be feeling better after two years of depression (common after a diagnosis) and going out and getting married (1999)!


But don’t overemphasise anyone else’s achievements to someone with dementia, as everyone is so very different.  Never say (or think)  – ‘if she can do that, why can’t you?’…We are all different.  Find what it is that gives a spark and a smile.


See you


9月18日 『ジオ・ボイス〜医療・介護の最前線トーク』の参加お申込みはこちらから。



文 / 桑野康一

